For the purposes of this “Participant Release” document, “Event” means, collectively or individually, the “Elite Week” event(s) being held in various cities in the United States during the period June through August 2013, any and all transportation to, from and between Event locations, all product testing at the Event, and all other activities related to the Event and to my participation in the Event. In consideration of the opportunity to participate in the Event, I, the undersigned participant, acknowledge and agree that:
ELIGIBILITY. I understand and agree that if I am a student-athlete I am responsible for my own collegiate eligibility and/or amateur standing. I am aware of, and agree to comply with, all rules, regulations, and bylaws of my state association and any national federation responsible for administering or regulating interscholastic athletics, and of the NCAA or other regulator authority, that may be applicable to my participation in the Event. I understand that consequences of any failure to comply with such rules, including but not limited to, loss of my eligibility to participate in future athletic contest in an sport at the high school, collegiate or other level. I understand that Hoops Elite Academy may offer a gift or nominal value to participate in the Event, and I agree to decline any such gift if I am subject to NCAA or other regulations that would restrict me from receiving it; however, I understand it is acceptable to receive a commemorative t-shirt.
1. ASSUMPTION OF RISK. Participation in or attendance at the Event involves inherent risks and dangers of accidents, personal and bodily injury (including death) and property loss or damage. These may result from my own actions or inactions, as well as the actions or inactions of others, the rules of play, and the conditions of the facilities and equipment. Further, there may be other risks not known to me and not reasonably foreseeable at this time. I have considered the nature and extent of the risks involved, and I voluntarily choose to assume all such risks, both known and unknown, even those risks that result from the negligence of the Released Parties (defined below) or others and assume full responsibility for my participation in the Event. I consent to treatment in the event of an emergency or other incident in which, in the reasonable judgment of the on-site personnel, I require care.
2. RELEASE FROM LIABILITY. I, for myself and on behalf of my heirs, estate, insurers, successors and assigns, hereby fully and forever release and discharge Hoops Elite Academy, LLC and the affiliates and subsidiaries of Hoops Elite Academy, LLC, their respective officers, directors, shareholders, employees, agents, representatives, contractors, successors, assigns, and insurers, all Event sponsors, advertisers, volunteers, and staff, and all owners or lessors of premises used in connection with the Event (collectively the “Released Parties”) from any and all claims or causes of action I may have for damages for personal or bodily injury, disability, death, loss or damage to person or property relating in any way to the Event, whether arising from the negligence of any or all of the Released Parties or otherwise, to the fullest extent permitted by law.
3. AUTHORIZATION TO RECORD AND TO USE RECORDINGS AND NAME. I hereby grant to Hoops Elite Academy, LLC, its affiliates, subsidiaries, successors, assigns and licensees (collectively “Hoops Elite Academy”) permission to film, photograph, video record and otherwise record my image, voice, or any other aspect of the recording at the Event (collectively the “Recording”) and the perpetual right to use the Recording and my name in any manner or media and for any purposes without any additional consideration. I shall have no right of approval and no legal claim arising out of any use or editing of the Recording or my name. Hoops Elite Academy shall have no obligation to use any of the rights I grant. I represent that it is not necessary for Hoops Elite Academy to obtain permission from or to pay any third party in connection with the rights granted in this paragraph.
4. LICENSE TO USE COMMENTS, FEEDBACK AND IDEAS. I hereby grant to Hoops Elite Academy, LLC and its affiliates and subsidiaries a perpetual license to use all comments, feedback and ideas I may share with them, without notice, compensation or acknowledgement to me, for any purposes whatsoever, including, but not limited to, developing, manufacturing and marketing products and services and creating, modifying or improving products and services.
I certify that:
(1) I am over the age of majority (18 years of age or older in most states), or
(2) I have my parent’s or legal guardian’s consent as indicated below.
I am the parent or legal guardian of those registering for the Event(s) indicated. I have read this Participant Release, fully understand and agree to its terms, and understand that I am giving up substantial rights by signing it. I sign this Participation Release freely and voluntarily, without any inducement or coercion, and give consent for my son(s) or other(s) for which I am a legal guardian to be enrolled and participate.